Carsten Egevang (born 1969, Denmark)
Curriculum Vitae

Qaanaaq 2018
SIKU-exhibition 2020 with Ragnar Axelsson in Copenhagen.

The ARTICO - ultima frontiera exhibition, Venice, Italy 2017

The ARCTIC - last frontier exhibition, Abu Dhabi, UAE, 2019

Crown princess Mary of Denmark opens the GRENLANDIA exhibition, Poland 2014.

Greenland minister of Nature and Environment, Anthon Frederiksen award Carsten Egevang for his communication of research results.

The Wildlife Photographer of the year ceremony, London 2009

The book GREENLAND – land of animal and made the best-seller list and was used by the Greenland Government as official representation gift for Greenland delegations abroad.

On assignment for Arctic Arts Project, Ittoqqortoormiit 2017

Talk on Norsk Naturfotofestival, Ski, Norway 2016

Photographing humpback whales with group of photographers, Ilulissat 2017

Photographing Little Auks, Thule District 2011
The moment after having retrieved a geo-logger from the leg of an Arctic tern having carried the small device from North Greenland to Antarctica and back again. The study of the Arctic tern migration was published in the prestigious journal PNAS. Sand Island, Northeast Greenland 2008.

The Ice -free Greenland by Professor Bo Elberling – layout and graphical design by Carsten Egevang.

The ARTICO - ultima frontiera exhibition at Tre Oci Venice, 2017
Front cover of SCIENCE magazine
Report on The Qimmeq Project with images and graphical design by Carsten Egevang - click to se pdf

Front cover of Air Greenland in-flight magazine SULUK 2017
PhD thesis from 2010 – click to se pdf.
Technical report on the Thule area - click to se pdf
CLIIMATE CHANGE is now! Exhibition, Copenhagen, Denmark
I am a photographer specialized in Greenland with special emphasis on Arctic wildlife and the connection between man and animals in the Arctic environment. I work on photographic projects in Greenland, combining more than 25 years of field experience with my academic background in natural science. As a photographer, I have been awarded in several international photo competitions, published books on Greenland and completed exhibitions. As a researcher, I have worked with migration, breeding biology and populations of seabirds in Greenland.
2023: GREENLAND - land of contrasts
Solo exhibition with B/W images, XPOSURE festival. Sharjah, United Arab Emirates.
Large size B/W images from Greenland on Climate Change. Exhibition with photographer Ragnar Axelsson (Iceland). The North Atlantic House, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Solo exhibition with B/W images on adaptations to the Arctic Environment among animals and Man. Gallery Zebra, Karis, Finland.
Solo exhibition on subsistence hunting in Greenland.
The Greenland House, Copenhagen, Denmark.
2019: ARCTIC - the last Frontier
Exhibition with Ragnar Axelsson (Iceland) and Paolo Solari Bozzi (Italy).
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.
Four B/W images from the QIMMEQ-project as part of the Climate Art Exhibition.
Rebildcentret, Denmark.
2018: ARCTIC - the last Frontier
Exhibition with Ragnar Axelsson (Iceland) and Paolo Solari Bozzi (Italy).
La Triennale di Milano, Italy.
2017: Leica Q goes to Greenland
Solo exhibition in Leica Store,
Outdoor solo exhibition with large-size prints.
Trianglen, Oesterbro, Copenhagen, Denmark.
2017: ARTICO - ultima frontiera
Exhibition with Ragnar Axelsson (Iceland) and Paolo Solari Bozzi (Italy).
2014: GRENLANDIA – land of ice and snow
Solo exhibition with colour images.
Warszawa, Szczecin and Katowice, Poland.
Travelling solo exhibition, large-size B/W images from the book Life at the Edge.
The exhibition visited 7 different towns in Greenland and 4 cities in Denmark.
Single image at The Censured Exhibition, Copenhagen Photo Festival.
Copenhagen, Denmark
2011-2012: TIMMIAQ
Exhibition with color images of birds together with painter Sten Asbirk.
Roskilde City Hall, Denmark
Solo exhibition with color images
KATUAQ - Greenland Cultural House, Nuuk, Greenland.
2014: Oasis International Photo Contest, 2nd place in the category "Mammals".
2014: Asferico Photocontest, "Highly commended" in the category “Man and Nature".
2014: Memorial Maria Lusia, "Highly commended" in the category “Man in the mountain".
2013: Global Arctic Awards, "Gold Medal" category "Jury's Choice".
2012: Greenland Government, Environment and Nature Award.
2011: Danish association of Nature Photographers, "Photographer of the Year"
2011: Nordic Nature Photo Contest, "highly commended" in the category "Threatened Nordic nature”.
2010: European Wildlife Photographer of the Year, "Highly Commended" in the category "Man and Nature".
2009: Wildlife Photographer of the Year, "Winner " in the category "Man and Nature".
First author:
2023: GREENLAND – land of contrasts. Egevang, Carsten.
252 pages with 190 color images. English and Danish version. Alle alle publishing.
2021: GREENLAND unseen ... Egevang, Carsten.
360 pages with 204 B/W images text in English. Alle alle publishing.
2020: QIMMEQ - The Greenland Sled Dog, Egevang, Carsten (EDITOR).
224 pages with B/W images in three versions (English, Danish and Greenlandic). Alle alle publishing.
2012: LIFE AT THE EDGE, Egevang, Carsten
216 pages with B/W images. (Text: English, Danish and Greenlandic). Milik publishing.
2011: GREENLAND - Land of animal and man, Egevang, Carsten,
264 pages with color images (Text: English and Danish). Milik publishing.
2020: INTERACT. Images of Arctic Science. Editors: Rasch, M. Egevang, C and Topp-Jørgensen, E. Danish Centre for Environment and Energy. Denmark 182 pages.
2015: THULE på tidens rand. Hastrup, Kirsten.
Book about the Thule area illustrated with images by Carsten Egevang. 496 pages. Lindhardt og Ringhof.
2007: Grønland til vands, til lands og i luften, Nielsen, Jeppe Ejvind.
Cookbook with text (Danish) contribution and photos by Carsten Egevang. 96 pages. Nitz publishing.
International work
I am a core member of the Arctic Arts Project - a international group of visual climate change communicators.
I have been leading judge in international photo competitions – among them: INTERACT Photo Competition 2020 and Arctic Biodiversity "Through The Lens" Photography Competition 2018.
Expedition leader
I have acted as consultant for film crews in the planning of shooting documentaries in Greenland.
I have lead expeditions for professional photographers/film crews and been travel leader for groups of photographers in Greenland.
2018: Expedition leader for documentary filmmaker Nicholas Jones to Uummannaq and Qaanaaq, Greenland.
2017: Travel leader, Zoom Fotorejser, Kangerlussuaq/Ilulissat, West Greenland.
2016: Expedition leader for photographer David Yarrow, Ittoqqortoormiit, East Greenland.
2015: Expedition leader for Redfern Natural History Productions – ship expedition from Ilulissat to Qaanaaq, Greenland.
Experienced speaker (Danish and English) with 100+ talks on both scientific topics, communication, and photography. As researcher, I have communicated my results to both in scientific circles and to a broader audience. As photographer, I have been a key speaker on my Greenland photography at photo festivals and the like.
2010: PhD-degree, biology, University of Copenhagen.
1999: Master-degree, biology, University of Copenhagen.
2013 and onward: Self-employed photographer and consultant in Biology.
2002-2012: Researcher, Greenland Institute of Natural Resources, Department of Mammals and Birds. In the period 2002-2008, with residence in Nuuk, Greenland.
2000-2002: Academic employee, National Environmental Research Institute, Denmark. Department of
Arctic Environment.
2019: Publishing company Alle alle publishing established.
2012: Carsten Egevang Photography established.
2004-2015: ARC-PIC.COM - Greenland stock image company.
Graphical design
I am a self-taught graphical designer using Adobe InDesign and have done the lay-out on my books QIMMEQ and LIFE AT THE EDGE along with several scientific reports. I have also been hired to do lay-out on the coffee-table book “The ice-free Greenland - from molecules to landscape” by Bo Elberling (Gyldendal 2016).
Papers in peer-reviewed scientific journals
Egevang, C. & Frederiksen 2011. Fluctuating Breeding of Arctic Terns (Sterna paradisaea) in Arctic and High-arctic Colonies in Greenland. Waterbirds 34: 107-111.
Egevang, C., Stenhouse, I. J. Phillips, R. A., Petersen, A., Fox, J. W. and Silk, J. R. D. 2010. Tracking of Arctic terns Sterna paradisaea reveals longest animal migration. PNAS vol. 107: 2078-2081
Egevang, C. & D. Boertmann 2008. “Ross’s Gulls (Rhodostethia rosea) Breeding in Greenland: A Review, with Special Emphasis on Records from 1979 to 2007.” Arctic 61(3): 322-328.
Egevang, C. Kampp, K. & Boertmann D. 2006. ”Declines in breeding waterbirds following a redistribution of Arctic Terns Sterna pareadisaea in West Greenland” Waterbirds around the World. Eds. G. C. Boere, C. A. Galbraith & D. A. Stroud. The stationery Office, Edinburgh, UK. P. 154
Egevang, C. , K. Kampp & D. Boertmann 2004 “The Breeding Association of Red Phalaropes (Phalaropus fulicarius) with Arctic Terns (Sterna paradisaea): Response to a Redistribution of Terns in a Major Greenland Colony” Waterbirds 27 (4): 406-410.
Egevang, C., D. Boertmann, A. Mosbech & M. P. Tamstorf 2003 “Estimating colony area and population size of little auks Alle alle at Northumberland Island using aerial images” Polar Biology 26: 8-13.
Pedersen, C.E. & K. Falk 2001 “Chick diet of Dovekies Alle alle in Northwest Greenland” Polar Biology 24 (1): 53- 58.
Morten, J. M., Buchanan, P. J., Egevang, C. et al. 2023. ”Global warming and arctic terns: Estimating climate change impacts on the world's longest migration”. Global Change Biology, Volume29, Issue19, Pages 5596-5614.
Davies, T., E., Carneiro, A. P. B., M. Tarzia … Egevang, C. et al. 2021. "Multispecies tracking reveals a major seabird hotspot in the North Atlantic". Conservation Letters. 2021;e12824.
C. Sonne, R. Langebæk, R. Dietz, E. Andersen-Ranberg, G. Houser, A. J. Hansen, M-H. Sinding, M. T. Olsen, C. Egevang, T. P. M. Gilbert, M. Meldgaard &, J. Sills 2018. ” Greenland sled dogs at risk of extinction”, Science 2018/06/08.
Grecian, W. J, Matthew J. W., M. J. Attrill, S. Bearhop, P. H. Becker, C. Egevang, R. W. Furness, B. J. Godley, J. González-Solís, D. Grémillet, M. Kopp, A. Lescroël, J. Matthiopoulos, S. C. Patrick, H. Peter, R. A. Phillips, I. J. Stenhouse & S. C. Votier 2016. ”Seabird diversity hotspot linked to ocean productivity in the Canary Current Large Marine Ecosystem”, Biology Letters, 12 (8): 20160024
Merkel, F, Labansen, AL, Boertmann, D, Mosbech, A, Egevang, C, Falk, K, Linnebjerg, JF, Frederiksen, M & Kampp, K 2014, ’Declining trends in the majority of Greenland’s thick-billed murre (Uria lomvia) colonies 1981-2011’ Polar Biology, vol 37, no. 8, pp. 1061-1071
Fox, A. D., D. Sinnett, J. Baroch, D A. Stroud, K. Kampp, C. Egevang & D. Boertmann 2012 “The status of Canada Goose Branta canadensis subspecies in Greenland” DOFT 106: 87-92.
J. Stenhouse C. Egevang & R. A. Phillips, 2011.Trans-equatorial migration, staging sites and wintering area of Sabine’s Gulls Larus sabini in the Atlantic Ocean. IBIS 154 (1): 42-51.
Mosbech A., K. L. Johansen, N. I. Bech, P. Lyngs, A. M. A. Harding, C. Egevang, R A. Phillips and J. Fort 2011. Inter-breeding movements of little auks Alle alle reveal a key post-breeding staging area in the Greenland Sea. POLAR BIOLOGY 35 (2): 305-311
J. Fort, Cherel, Y., Harding A. M. A., Egevang, C., Steen H., Kuntz G., Porter, W P. and Grémillet, D. 2010. The feeding ecology of little auks raises questions about winter zooplankton stocks in North Atlantic surface waters. Biology Letters 23:6 (5):682-4
Harding, A. M. A., C. Egevang, W. Walkusz, F. R. Merkel, S. Blanc and D. Grémillet 2009. “Estimating prey capture rates of a planktivorous seabird, the little auk (Alle alle), using diet, diving behaviour, and energy consumption.” Polar Biology 32(5): 785-7956
Jørgensen, P. S., Kristensen, M. W. & Egevang, C. 2007 ”Red Phalarope Phalaropus fulicarius and Red-necked Phalarope Phalaropus lobatus behavioural response to Arctic Tern Sterna paradisaea colonial alarms. Dansk Oritologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 101 (3): 73-78.
Boertmann D. & C. Egevang 2002 ”Canada Geese Branta canadensis in West Greenland: in conflict with Greenland White-fronted Geese Anser albifrons flavirostris?” Ardea 90(2): 335-336.
Falk, K., C.E. Pedersen & K. Kampp 2000 “Diving depth measurements of Dovekies Alle alle in Northwest Greenland” Auk 117 (2): 522-525.
Kampp, K., K. Falk & C.E. Pedersen 2000 “Breeding density and population of little auks (Alle alle) in a Northwest colony” Polar Biology 23 (8): 517-521.
Dietz, R., F. F. Riget, D. Boertmann, C. Sonne, M. T. Olsen, J. Fjeldså, K. Falk, M. Kirkegaard, C. Egevang, G. Asmiund, F. Wille, S. Møller 2006. ”Time Trends of Mercury in Feathers of West Greenland Birds of Prey During 1851-2003” Environmental Science and Technology 40: 5911-5916.
Scientific reports
Egevang, C. 2015. Fugleobservationer i Nordvandet og lokalviden om fangst, Qaanaaq juni 2013. Pinngortitaleriffik, Grønlands Naturinstitut, teknisk rapport nr. 95. 28 pp. Nuuk.
Egevang, C. & D. Boertmann 2013 ”Status for de grønlandske fuglebeskyttelsesområder” Teknisk rapport, Grønlands Naturinstitut.
Egevang, C. 2010: Migration and breeding biology of Arctic terns in Greenland. PhD thesis. Greenland Institute of Natural Resources, Dep. of Arctic Environment, NERI, Aarhus University & Department of Biology, Center for Macroecology, Evolution and Climate, University of Copenhagen. Greenland Institute of Natural Resources & National Environmental Research Institute, Aarhus University, Denmark. 104 pp.
Egevang, C., I. J. Stenhouse, Lars Maltha Rasmussen, Mikkel Willemoes & Fernando Ugarte 2008. “Field report from Sand Island, Northeast Greenland, 2008.
Egevang, C. 2008 ”Forstyrrelser i grønlandske havfuglekolonier, med speciel fokus på ynglende havterner på Kitsissunnguit (Grønne Ejland), Disko Bugt”. Teknisk rapport nr. 71, Grønlands Naturinstitut, 21 sider.
Egevang, C. & Stenhouse, I. J. 2008. Mapping long-distance migration in two Arctic seabird species p. 74-76 in Klitgaard, A.B. and Rasch, M. (eds.) 2008. Zackenberg Ecological Research Operations, 13th Annual Report, 2007. Danish Polar Center, Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation, Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, 2008.
Egevang, C. & I. J. Stenhouse 2007. ”Field report from Sand Island, Northeast Greenland, 2007”
Egevang, C., D. Boertmann & O. S. Kristensen 2005 ”Monitering af havternebestanden på Kitsissunnguit (Grønne Ejland) og den sydlige del af Disko Bugt, 2002-2004” Teknisk rapport nr. 62, Grønlands Naturinstitut, 41 p.
Egevang, C. & D. Boertmann 2003 ”Havternen i Grønland – Status og Undersøgelser 2002” National Environmental Research Institute, Denmark. NERI Technical Report No. 438, 72 pp.
Egevang, C. & D. Boertmann 2001 ” The Ramsar sites of Disko, West Greenland – A survey in July 2001” National Environmental Research Institute, Denmark. NERI Technical Report No. 368, 68 pp.
Egevang, C. & D. Boertmann 2001 “The Greenland Ramsar sites, a status report” National Environmental Research Institute, Denmark. NERI Technical Report No. 346, 95 pp.
Frederiksen, M., Mosbech, A., Andersson, A., Castro, A.C., Egevang, C., Fort, J., Grémillet, D., Linnebjerg, J.F.,
Lyngs, P. Nielsen, H.H. & Rømer, J.K. 2019. Population size and habitat use of breeding seabirds in Northeast Greenland. Field studies 2017-18. Aarhus University, DCE – Danish Centre for Environment and Energy, 48 pp. Scientific Report No. 337.
Aastrup, P., C. Egevang, P. Tamstorf, & B. Lyberth 2005. ”Naturbeskyttelse og turisme i Nord- og Østgrønland.” National Environmental Research Institute, Denmark. NERI Technical Report No 545, 133 pp
Haaland, H., K. Skogen, A. Landa, D. Loeks, O. Andersen, P. Aastrup, C. Egevang, R. May 2005. ”Uddelegering af forvaltningsansvar - levende ressourcer i Grønland” NINA rapport 6, Norsk Institut for Naturforskning, Trondheim jan. 2005.
Ditte Marie Mikkelsen, Søren Rysgaard, John Mortensen, Anja Retzel, Rasmus Nygaard, Thomas Juul-Pedersen, Mikael K. Sejr, Martin E. Blicher, Dorte Krause-Jensen, Peter Bondo Christensen, Aili Labansen, Carsten Egevang, Lars Witting, Tenna K. Boye, Malene Simon and Morten Frederiksen 2008. ”The MarineBasic Programme 2007” in Jensen, L.M. & Rasch, M. (Eds.) 2008. Nuuk Ecological Research Operations, 1st Annual report, 2007. Danish Polar Center, Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation, Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, 2008.
Popular science articles
Egevang, C. 2020 “Photographer of dogs”. SULUK – Air Greenland in-flight magazine no. 1: 24-31.
Egevang, C. 2018 ”Grønlands fascinerende fugle”. Tidsskriftet Grønland no. 3: 149-160.
Egevang, C. 2018 “The lord of the birds”. SULUK – Air Greenland in-flight magazine no. 3: 32-39.
Egevang, C. 2015 ”Fuglefjeld”. Natur & Foto 4 (2015): 30-37.
Egevang, C. 2015 ”Det rå og barske Grønland”. Camera Natura, nr. 3: 32-41.
Egevang, C. 2014 “Dog-power over the ice”. SULUK – Air Greenland in-flight magazine no. 2: 8-16.
Egevang, C. 2013 ”Livet ved iskanten”. Polarfronten 3 (2013): 6-9
Egevang, C. 2013 ”Det grønne landet i svatt-hvitt”. Natur & Foto 5 (2013): 30-37
Egevang, C. 2013 ”Det nordligste nord”. greenland today 19: 8-16.
Egevang C. 2011 ”Sabines lange rejse”. Fugle og Natur 4: 12-15.
Egevang, C. 2010 ”Verdens længste fugletræk kortlagt”. Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 104: 7-9.
Egevang, C. ”Trofæjagt i Ittoqqortoormiit”. Trapper nr. 03 2009.
Egevang, C. 2007 ”Drømmefuglen”. Fugle og Natur nr. 1 2007: 18-19.
Egevang, C. 2006 “De grønlandske gåsearter”. Piniarneq 2007, Jagtinformation og Fangstregistrering, s. 27-28.
Egevang, C. 2006 ”Grønlands talrigeste fugl”. Greenland Collector nr. 3, 4-5
Egevang, C. 2006 ”Solens fugl”. KISAQ (Arctic Umiaq Line magasin) s. 18-27.
Egevang, C. & A. Harding. 2006. ”The Birdlife of Northeast Greenland” i “Scoresby Sund – The World’s largest
fjord” Informationsfolder, NANU-Travel, Ittoqqortoormiit.
Egevang, C. 2006. ”The Mammals of Northeast Greenland” i “Scoresby Sund – The World’s largest fjord” Informationsfolder, NANU-Travel, Ittoqqortoormiit.
Egevang, C., A. Harding & F. Merkel 2005. ”Grønland er søkongens rige” SULUK (Air Greenlands magasin),
02/2005: 22-35.
Egevang, C. 2004 ”Grønne Ejland – perlen i Disko Bugt”. SULUK (Air Greenlands magasin), 01/2004: 2-17.
Egevang, C. 2003 ”Konger i millionvis”. Fugle og Natur nr. 2, s 36-37.
Tøttrup, A., C. Egevang & D. Boertmann 2003 ”Grønne Ejland – Terners øer”. Fugle og Natur nr. 1 2003: 28-31.
Egevang, C. 2002 “Vestgrønlands Havterner i krise?”. Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 96: 145-146.
Pedersen, C.E. 1999 “Søkongestudier i Nordgrønland”. Dansk Ornitologisk Forening Tidsskrift 93 (1): 1-2.